Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Gawd I hate colds... Not the flu or something serious you know (well hate those too!) but these lil niggling colds that linger. It really sucks to watch your partner/spouse/S.O. suffer through one of those stinkers, knowing you're next!! UGH!

Then they show up... you wake with that "hang over" feeling of stuffiness, the slight cough that doesn't do anything and the back of the eyes soreness that tells you, yeah, it got ya! Ewwww

You know that on Thursday (if today is Tuesday) that you'll be feeling good again, but just knowing that you have to dive into the Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine (which isn't as good as it used to be) just to get through with a modicum of energy really sucks the big one...

Of course you still have to go to work. That's our society, don't miss work for anything... which means that you are going to spread the damn thing to everyone that you come into contact with... The one sneaky thing about colds though is that usually, by the time the symptoms show up, you're either past the contagious stage or right at the end anyway, so it's already out there.

Yes, I woke up with the symptoms today. ICK Ahhh well, I'll be good by Thursday. lol

Have a great day... C-ya


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