Thursday, January 21, 2010

The thing we least think of... well most of us - Listen Up!

I was having some conversations lately and was reminded of a little thought about (I presume) but very important thing. Listening to others and letting them know what you think.

A lot of times, we hear what our friends and colleagues are saying, but are we listening to what is being said and sometimes more importantly, what is not being said. I spend a lot of my time listening to people. I tend to be a bit quieter at times and fade to the background, but when I do that, I get to really listen to what's going on around me. You'd be amazed at what is happening and what is being said that you actually tune out or are in too much of a hurry to insert your comments to actually comprehend what is being said around and to you.

Sometimes I guess it's easier not to listen, sometimes it is more important to get your information out there... but you'll have a much more receptive audience if you remember that in order for people to want to have an interest in what you are saying, you have to take an interest in what they are saying.

Besides, how can you really be friends with someone if you never really listen to what they have to say? It's common sense and common courtesy!


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