Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hmm, that's working pretty well...

This is a tribute to everyone that starts something, but doesn't complete it and figures it's working well enough, 'so just leave it'. lol

Sound familiar? Is this you? Oh come on, I'm sure that almost everyone is guilty of this behavior at some point in time. If not, let's wait a few years, I'm sure you'll find yourself in this situation!! That being said, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, you just need to let go of things and see how they react when left alone, partly completed. Not a bad thing at all when we have 53,000 tasks on our plates and only time to complete 7 of them!!

That being said, I know I'm guilty of it in many day to day as well as work situations. What I'd like to know is who else feels they're in the same boat? Add your comments and list some of the things that you've left to fend for themselves in this hectic world we live in with no time to even stop for a restroom break it seems...


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